

I was born in Karl Marx’s city in the 1980s, so I now have a so-called migrant background. I did my Abitur with it, that’s how it was back then. After that it wasn’t very straight forward. I have worked in different professions: kitchen help, teacher, nude model, social worker, of course waitress, journalist, once I was script/continuity, but I didn’t like that, you had to be quick and precise. In between, I earned a bachelor’s degree in European Studies, Culture and Economics of East Central Europe. I hadn’t learned that much about life in college. That’s why I went to Berlin. It was just a joke. I went to Berlin to study theatre pedagogy at the University of Arts. As a scholarship holder, I was supported by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, that was good. I then successfully completed it and therefore I have the academic title Master of Arts. Since then I have been working as a freelance director, performer and author in Chemnitz and elsewhere in Europe.

I have been doing official training since I started working as a freelancer. Let me name a few: the principle of (self-)tasking, documentary dance, theatricalization of personal experiences or the art of stumbling: the clown method. At the same time, however, it is above all crossing borders into unknown land that I learn most from, be it the much-invoked interdisciplinary work or meeting people I don’t know and who are different from me.


Thank you for the great cooperation!
Do you want to be mentioned here too? Don’t hesitate to contact me.

René Szymanski


I am a member of the following associations. Among other things the focus here is on (cultural) political work: the fight for fee minimum level, improvement of working conditions, visibility and appreciation of our artistic work.

Verband der Freien Darstellenden Künste in Chemnitz e.V.  (Association of Free Performing Arts in Chemnitz)

Landesverband der Freien Theater in Sachsen e.V. (State Association of Free Performing Arts in Saxony)

Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. (Federal Association of Free Performing Arts)

Kreatives Chemnitz – Branchenverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Chemnitz und Umgebung e.V. (Creative Chemnitz – Sector Association of Cultural and Creative Industry Chemnitz and surroundings)

DIEDA – DIE Bookingagentur und DAS Netzwerk für Künstlerinnen (DIEDA – Booking Agency and Network for female artists)


For me, equal participation means that everyone – regardless of their conditions – has the opportunity to experience my work. Preferably without having to register with your special needs beforehand. Every production should be translated into (German) Sign Language at least once. An audio description should be offered for suitable plays. Sufficient information about what works and what doesn’t yet should be easily accessible.

With my experience from several years of Accessibility at the arts and cultural festival Begehungen I try to make possible what is possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any needs, wishes or of course if you have any criticism.
